Marilyn - Cancer Support Community
Community is stronger than cancer.®

Marilyn’s Story    

The Cancer Support Community was introduced to me when I was asked to participate in the inaugural Dragon Boat Festival back in 2018. Little did I know this organization would impact my family and me for so many years to come.

In 2017, I lost my sister, Mayra, to colon cancer at only 48-years old. On the days she suffered the most, and at her lowest point, I could recall our conversations and ever so desperately wanting to lift her spirits; I would have done anything to take her pain away. She would often say there was no way I could possibly understand and there was nothing I could do for her. I wish I had known about this organization back in 2017 when she needed the strength and guidance from those facing similar challenges. While feeling hopeless, our family could have benefited from this organization’s support throughout her journey.

Many families often seek ways to promote their loved ones’ emotional well-being. CSC is a safe place that can bring everyone together through crafts, meditation, therapy, and yoga classes, to name a few. During many of my volunteering events, my role consisted of distributing educational material about the programs and services offered by the organization. I think it’s important to spread the word that these resources are available to those living with cancer, as well as their loved ones. It brings me a sense of fulfillment to know that my efforts to educate others could have a positive impact and lift someone’s spirits.

Thank you, Cancer Support Community, for helping me through my own grieving process. Thank you for humbling me when I needed to face the reality that cancer does not discriminate. Thank you for teaching me to become more compassionate and especially for trusting me to be the voice at your information booths. Mayra would be so proud to know her journey has led my family to a new chapter as we raise awareness for this one-of-a-kind organization that gives so much to its community. Most importantly, as we continue to battle cancer together, I promise to continue advocating, in honor of my big sis, “so that no one faces cancer alone”.

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Marilyn, and all of our volunteers, have an impactful story to tell about why they chose to selflessly give their time to support CSCGLV.  We are so very grateful for their dedication to our members, our programs and our mission. The CSCGLV staff would like to take this opportunity during Volunteer Appreciation Month, to deeply thank them for being a part of our volunteer team!

For more information on how you can become a CSCGLV volunteer click here.
