Here is an opportunity for school-age children and teens, who have cancer or someone in their family with cancer, to come together with other kids who have shared experiences. Through art and play activities they will explore thoughts, feelings and questions about life when a loved one has cancer.
Kids Club
Monday nights
School-aged children participate in activities and games for stress relief and social interaction while relatives attend evening programs.
Teen Group
4th Tuesday of every month
Offered virtually for teen cancer survivors. In collaboration with Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh Valley Health Network.
Individual and Family Counseling
Members from the clinical program team offer 6 free sessions of support. Call 610-861-7555 for details.
Family Bereavement
Group, individual and family sessions are available as needed. Call 610-861-7555 for details.
Family Book Club
For children, ages 4-17, with a family member or friend with cancer (in treatment or post-treatment), or for children who, themselves, have cancer. The entire family can meet others in similar circumstances and learn skills to cope when cancer is in their lives.
What Do I Tell The Kids?
This workshop provides families with information about a child’s general understanding of cancer, ways to talk to them about cancer, some common behaviors that may be seen in children, and ways to support young family members in the family through this experience.
School-based Support
Professionals are available to lead an in-service training or classroom discussion.
Please visit our calendar page for dates and times of all programs.