Fear of the Unknown
www.cancersupportglv.org • 610-861-7555 Fear of the Unknown Now I play the waiting game: next month’s bloodwork. Then I’ll know if my current treatment will change. And as I wait, the fear hits me: the fear of the unknown—whether it’s cancer or COVID-19. What will the future bring? The fear of the unknown can sometimes be difficult to describe because this fear is nothing more than a mental obstacle. It’s not really there because that future hasn’t arrived yet. We can plan for the future, but we shouldn’t fear it. Fear of the unknown often curbs our ability to perform to the fullest. Sometimes, we choose to run from the situation, even if we know we’ll lose certain opportunities or worthwhile experiences. I’ve done this—run from a situation—even when I know I shouldn’t. Sometimes I’m afraid to try something new like joining an online program. So, I talk myself into being brave, and later discover there was nothing to worry about. How do you handle the unknown? What did you do when you were first diagnosed with cancer? What do you do amid the uncertainty of COVID-19? I do three things when fear of the unknown haunts me: 1-In my Gratitude Journal, I write down every concern I have about the event and its outcome. Writing it down helps me confront it, process it, and compartmentalize it. In short, I educate myself. 2-In my Gratitude Journal, I also focus on the positive. I do this by visualization. 3-Finally, I gather my tribe around me to distract myself with girl talk, shopping trips, walks, and, if all those fail, find a way to laugh.
Save These Dates As the COVID-19 situation changes, we’re updating our plans so we can serve our members. Newcomers: Let’s meet by phone or online. Call 610-861-7555 or email [email protected] to take part in our orientation. Current Groups: Current group meetings are still on—by virtual meetings. Call 610-861-7555 or email [email protected] for the details. Outings & Parties CANCELLED – Boutique at the Rink-Sadly, for the first time in its 45 year history, the Boutique at the Rink will not be held this year. Due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 virus and our desire to do our part in keeping our volunteers and patrons healthy, we have canceled the Boutique that was scheduled for this May. We thank the community and our sponsors for their continued support, and we hope to be able to resume the Boutique in May 2021. RESCHEDULED – Charles B. Patt, Jr. Golf Tournament-Mon., Oct. 26, 10:30 am RESCHEDULED – Dragon Boat Festival-Sat., Aug. 22, 8:30 am
Healthy Cooking We need a taste of spring—no matter where we are or how cold it is. So we’re making this faux-picnic meal:
Supporters, Thank You for Helping Us Complete Our Mission:
Individual Supporters During the Month of April This list includes all donors from April 1 – 28, 2020.